【Media】Our water-saving agriculture technology is introduced on Bloomberg


Our water-saving agriculture technology is introduced in the article of
The article can be seen here.

This article is a part of the public relations by the Cabinet Office of Japan to introduce Japanese companies’ technology for the resilient society.
Our technology and activities are introduced as the ones to fuel solve climate change, one of the serious global issues.

By mixing “Porous alpha” into the soil, the water retention capacity and the aeration in the soil are improved, and irrigation water consumption can be reduced by 50% alongside with keeping or improving yield. The technology brought successful results in many regions, including Japan, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
(Please see here for the result of the experimentation)

<Media Information>
Spencer:the Cabinet Office of Japan
Page:Advancing Agriculture in Arid Areas With Japanese Innovation
– The Quick Take video can be seen on Twitter of Bloomberg.

<Related technology>
Soil conditioning

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